Thursday, November 17, 2005

Capitol Playground: Part III - Child Safety Act Stuck in Senate

This is becoming a series, and it's getting increasingly disturbing. This installment of the "Capitol Playground" series involves a bill introduced on June 30 of this year by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-WI) and has been stuck in the Senate since September 15. The status of H.R. 3132, the Children's Safety Act of 2005, hasn't changed since being referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on the aforementioned date.

Meanwhile, the Senate is jumping through hoops to have closed sessions and name buildings after themselves while innocent children are dying because sex offenders are walking the streets. In the case of Carlie Brucia, we have an 11 year old girl who was abducted while walking home last Super Bowl Sunday by a convicted sex offender who had violated parole and should've been in jail. Since the incident, the state of Florida has passed "Jessica's Law" which mandates stricter punishments for sex offenders, but at the same time a lone state assemblyman in New York has several times blocked similar legislation that had already passed the Senate (58-2 on one occasion, 60-0 on another).

As a result of the U.S. Senate's lack of focus on matters of importance, children all over America are in danger because convicted sex offenders are continuously being given leniant sentences of five years or less. The continuous bickering over "Plamegate" and Iraq, among other issues, is endangering innocent lives. At least in the case of the war we are serving a purpose. In the case of the inattentiveness towards the Children's Safety Act, innocent lives are being threatened and there is no reason for it.

I will say it over and over until something is done; get your s**t together, Congress. There are more important matters that deserve your attention.

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