Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A World Without Conservatives: The Liberal Utopia

Sunday night here on campus, the UW College Republicans staged a protest of George Galloway in front of the Memorial Union. More than that, it was another opportunity for us to show our support for the troops serving in Iraq, this time by shielding them from unnecessary and outrageous criticism from one of the left's most notorious freedom-haters. Although he may not be very well-known on this side of the pond, I assure you he has many enemies in native England. Among them are the people he claims to represent: Muslims. In an incident in April of this year, his life was threatened by a group of Islamic extremists who claimed he is a "false prophet" and declared that the sentence for this was death. Nevertheless, Galloway charged forward unscathed in his mission to denounce the evil capitalist war in Iraq. Now the protest of this grotesque character was in every way a pleasant attempt to inform the public of his fringe views and their misrepresentation of popular feeling towards the Iraq war. However, our patriotism and First Amendment-protected gathering upset many liberals on their way to the lecture that night. Their responses, ranging from insults to curses to downright maniacal ranting, were really a sight to behold. In fact, it was so expected that I came to a startling conclusion: liberals harbor such hostility towards conservatives because they envision a world without them!

I think of myself as a "compassionate Christian conservative," as do most other conservatives. While I do not deny that I hold generalizations regarding people who disagree with me, I do not publicly and directly offend their intelligence by spewing out verbal assaults. I have been raised under the rule "treat others as you would expect to be treated." This philosophy has prevented many physical fights in schoolyards, and verbal fights in lecture halls. It is because of this background that I respect the opinions of my opponents while I disagree with them vehemently. However, my respect is very seldom returned by my leftist counterparts. I have often thought about why this may be. Could it be that they are so sure their views are correct that they can honestly say to me that I am full of s***? At first, I was sure this couldn't possibly be true, until I reflected on some past totalitarian dictatorships and what fueled them.

In the past, there have been several dictators whose actions toward their people can only be regarded as complete and utter hatred. In Nazi Germany, Hitler envisioned a master race controlling the world and therefore set out to destroy anyone and everyone not fitting his ideals. In the Communist USSR, Stalin felt that it was his duty to use any means necessary to create a utopia by controlling all means of production and allocating resources equally to his people. However, many people didn't see eye to eye with this philosophy, so he had them purged. The same things can be said of Fascist Italy, Communist Vietnam and Cambodia, and many Communist satellites in Latin America. Thanks not only to the armies of capitalism, but more importantly to its free market economic philosophy, many of these affected nations have returned to at least some form of democracy and begun the long road of development. Back to the point, all these dictatorships had one thing in common, the necessity to remove a faction that held an opposing viewpoint. Every single dictator stopped at nothing to suppress the enemy within, even though they sought nothing more than peace and prosperity.

When I argue with a liberal, or I encounter a response like those listed above (insults, curses, etc.) I can't help but relate their reactions to freedom's enemies of yesteryear. They take such personal grief with nearly every value conservatives hold dear, and they treat the people holding these beliefs like beings of inferior intellect. They think of themselves as morally, intellectually, and philosophically superior to conservatives and therefore see it as unnecessary to explain their views and why their opponents are wrong. The cause of creation for the majority of socialist dictatorships has been the belief that the leader of the movement was of superior intelligence and that anyone doubting his intentions was not fit to be part of the plan, therefore necessitating their removal from it. In a way, this is how liberals view conservatives or anyone else who doesn't agree with them: as someone of lesser intellect not worthy to be a part of their "master plan." They picture a perfect world where only those who wish to be a part of the system can participate and long for the day when this vision can be realized.


Anonymous said...

"hi, my name is Jeremy. I'm a compassionate christian conservative who enjoys long walks on the beach, war, sucking George W. Bush's dick, and nuking ppl till they glow. wanna make out?"

shut the fuck up, jeremy. you're a douche. Also, using phrases like "yesteryear" and "this side of the pond" do not make you sound more intelligent. I think I lost brain cells just reading this insipid bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Antigone- because I don't have an account here.

Strawman much?

Look, some liberals are not as rational and articulate as they could be. That's pretty non-partisan. And some get mad at conservatives (and aruably justifibly). Yet you smear the whole movement based on isolated incidents? That's like the right being defined by people like Pat Robertson and Rush Limbagh.

Jeremy said...

actually i really have a lot of problems with Bush and his policy. but hey, speaking of generalizing the conservative movement...nicely done. you know everytime someone tries to convince me that liberals aren't all crazy, someone has to go ahead and prove me right. thanks for that great teamwork anonymous's 1 and 2...