Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"Racism" in America

"If you want to make it in this world, you have to come early and stay late." - Unknown
"The best thing you can do for the poor is not become one." - Reverend Ike

Who are the men who shared these advisories? They are not rich white men from the Upper East side. They were black men preaching to the underprivileged that in order to escape a life of poverty, one must not succumb to pity and self-loathing, but rather to acheive their dreams through hard work. It is to their understanding, as well as many others in modern society, that the primary necessity in making a name for yourself is not the ability to be portrayed as a victim but rather the willingness to get your hands dirty. The problem with the poverty-stricken today is that they don't possess the necessary work ethic, leaving themselves ever trudging through the doldrums of life on the streets.

Having the view that poor blacks should not be helped is not racist, it's interventionist. It intervenes in the lives of these people so that they can stop wallowing in self-pity while taking handouts to get by and it forces them to make a living for themselves by getting a real job and providing for their families through honest means. The creation of a welfare-state by President Lyndon Johnson in the sixties was the worst thing that could've happened to the lower class. Under the system, America has seen the ranks of the lower class swell to proportions far exceeding those that existed when the welfare program was created. What makes this most troubling is that the welfare program exudes so much money to the impoverished that its handouts since inception exceed the total revenues of all Fortune 500 companies combined. That is more than $6.5 TRILLION. This system has been one of the worst-performing programs ever conceived by the federal government, and yet we continue to hear politicans pushing for MORE welfare handouts.

To understand the effect of welfare on the economy doesn't take that much brainpower to figure out. In essence, welfare handouts are a subsidy to the poor in the same way that grants are a subsidy to college students' tuition. And what most economists have come to realize throughout the ages is that subsidizing something leads to more of it, hence the subsidization of tuition leads to higher tuition and the subsidization of the lower class leads to more poor people. It is like a mother eagle feeding her babies, but the babies never grow up. The mother has to feed her babies or else they will die, but then they grow up and are able to hunt for their own food. For those on welfare, the government keeps giving them money, but they never use it to go out and provide for themselves. The only way to curb this attitude is to cut it off at its source, and the source is the welfare program.

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