Friday, April 15, 2005


As it stands, I find myself with quite a bit to discuss, seeing as I am a part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy in the liberal Utopia that is Madison, Wisconsin. This doesn't phase me in the least, I knew this was going to be the environment as I prepared to move out of my conservative haven of Ozaukee County in SE Wisconsin. After a semester and a half I have come to a stark realization; there are liberals with which you can sit down and have a nice conversation, and then there is an entirely different breed that clings to every antithesis of the conservative ideology. What I mean here is that for every view I share with them, somehow they can find a way to refute it with some hair-brained response, sensical or not. As much as I would prefer to surround myself with a smattering of conservatives and the former brand of liberal, I have found it necessary to enhance my beliefs by subjecting myself to the lunacy that comes from the latter brand. Nonsense though it may be, their arguments give me the motivation to prove that I am right. The purpose of this blog, starting with my next post, will be to share with you my views. Hopefully some of my posts will be of intellectual value to some of you, but if for nothing else, I hope they will capture your attention for even a moment. I will leave you with a quote from ol' Dutch himself, Ronald Reagan.

“It is not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work -- work with us, not over us; stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it.”

This embodies one of my most heartfelt beliefs, the federal government was devised by the Framers not to impede on our daily lives, but to follow in the shadows, providing constructive criticism along the way.

Stay posted, further updates are forthcoming...


The Naoise Experience said...

It's great that you have views, and they are semi-intelligent, but tell me this. Why is it that the new Federal ID Act is necassery? Why should we make an effort to continue with globalization? And finally, why do you think that what is going on, is not fascist, as your rights are being taken away daily? Thank you, I hope you respond in a mature manner.

Jeremy said...

Please explain each question, because as I have never mentioned these things, I have also never dealt with them personally...

BTW, I always respond in a mature manner unless personally attacked...
